Archbishop Allen Vigneron of the Detroit archdiocese applies ashes to parishioners'' foreheads on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Detroit. The Ash Wednesday mass marked the beginning of Lent. (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us Detroit)


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The Archdiocese of Detroit is encouraging parishioners to post selfies on social media while wearing their ashes and tagging them #ashtag and @UTGdetroit. UTG is an abbreviation for Unleash the Gospel, an effort aimed at evangelizing the Catholic faith. (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us Detroit)

  Archbishop Vigneron marks Ash Wednesday with Mass at downtown church

In addition, the Archdiocese invited the faithful to follow @UTGDetroit for Lenten inspiration and to post photos using #ashtag

DETROIT - Marking the local Catholic Church’s observance of Ash Wednesday, Archbishop of Detroit Allen H. Vigneron was the celebrant and homilist at the 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Aloysius Church, in downtown Detroit. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a liturgical season of Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting: the three pillars of Lent in preparation for Easter.

Following his homily at the Mass, Archbishop Vigneron will bless and distribute ashes. The ashes are made from palm leaves used in last year’s Passion (Palm) Sunday liturgy. They are a symbol of penance and are used to mark foreheads with the Sign of the Cross.

New this Lenten season, the Archdiocese of Detroit is encouraging people to post photos on social media while wearing their ashes, using the hashtag "#ashtag," and tagging @UTGdetroit for a chance to get featured on Unleash the Gospel social media channels.

Also Wednesday and continuing through Lent, the Archdiocese of Detroit will share inspiration and encouragement with faithful seeking to unleash the Gospel during this holy season leading up to Easter. All are invited to follow @UTGDetroit on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for stories, photos, videos, and other inspiring content.

“Unleash the Gospel” is a movement in the Archdiocese of Detroit to renew the world, region, and Church by returning to the faith’s original mission of boldly sharing the Gospel message in our communities.

Reporters, photographers, and videographers are invited to cover the Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Aloysius. To preserve the dignity of the service, we ask that camera operators refrain from using flashes or any form of artificial lighting, and that special care be taken not to impede processions for ashes or Holy Eucharist. Thank you in advance for heeding any instructions you may receive from the staff at St. Aloysius Church.


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